The 5 P’s of Success (Parent Testimonial)

The 5 P's of Success (Parent Testimonial)

“Alhamdulillah, you are doing amazing work masha’Allah. Keep up this good work please. We are living in an ever-evolving, fast paced and highly competitive world. Every dawn comes with new challenges. Any organisation which fails to embrace change effectively can become out of touch or irrelevant. Therefore, my suggestion is, please be dynamic, be strategic and be forward looking.

I hope you believe that no challenge comes without opportunity. Therefore, welcome any challenge with courage and positive attitude and grab the opportunities in the soul of the challenge. Most important opportunities are changing but challenging environments bring for young and visionary people like yourselves are; access to new skills, room for new ideas, scope for creativity and opportunity for strengthening Emaan with conviction and confidence. Therefore, create an environment of learning, exploring and sharing new ideas. Please remember you are da’ee, you are responsible to unleash the potential of the Ummah’s future leaders. With the right intention, right spirit, sincere efforts and team spirit you will be successful. 

From my humble experience I can tell you that success depends on following five powers (5 Ps):

1. Plan with compelling vision (like our beloved Prophet (pbuh) had).
2. Patience with utmost reliance on Allah (SWT)
3. Perseverance with hope
4. Pro-activeness with sincerity, and
5. Positive approach with politeness (high level of humility)

You are in our duas. Success is waiting there to embrace you with a loving hug. May Allah bless you with the best of His blessings. May He stay close beside you with His mercy in abundance, ameen.”

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