Here are just some examples of the work we deliver & support.


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We provide our members and volunteers with a comprehensive and structured development and training programme, involving 1-to-1 and group mentorship; halaqaat; leadership and management opportunities, and other deliberate experiences designed to produce the next generation of young leaders. Our development programme has produced some of the most prominent young Muslim leaders in the UK.


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Our youth retreats and camps are some of the best out there! We hold several retreats and camps across the year for different age groups and demographics. Our flagship project and largest camp is The Summer Camp held in late August every year, attracting over 250 youth from across the UK. It is an experience that lasts a lifetime.


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A summer and winter school for school children designed to give our youngsters an authentic understanding of Islamic principles and values through exciting and fun activities, and our lessons are carefully planned to instill a strong sense of Muslim identity. We hold our youth schemes in several locations across London, such as the East London Mosque, Redbridge Mosque, and Al-Muntada Mosque, attracting over 500 young boys and girls every year.


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StudentsForSyria is an organisation that seeks to empower university students to become proactive members of society. We advocate a refreshing approach to humanitarian work and derive our work-ethic and passion from Islamic principles of truth and justice. We provide our volunteers with an action-oriented framework for self-development through various projects and initiatives such as fundraising campaigns and aid delegations. Our work has raised 100s of 1000s of pounds, affected 1000s of lives, and developed 100s of volunteers.


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The Foundations Programme nurtures the mindset of Muslim university students and empowers them with the core principles of their faith and pride in their Islamic identity. The programme is unique in both its content and its delivery. We've delivered the programme in over 7 universities in London and the Midlands with a reach of over 300 young Muslims and will be delivering in more universities in the coming year.


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The Asr Initiative is a selective and bespoke thought-leadership programme that attracts the foremost leaders in the Muslim students scene, such as ISoc presidents, committee members, and leaders in other prominent student organisations. The programme - comprised of seminars, excursions, and retreats - serves as a platform for active Muslims to develop into principled leaders grounded in authentic knowledge with a comprehensive Islamic vision.


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The Friday Dars is a weekly gathering for Muslim youth. Based in the heart of London at the prestigious East London Mosque, The Friday Dars provides an environment of Islamic brotherhood, knowledge, and ibadah in the company of scholars and people of knowledge. Our weekly series attracts 100s of youth and our flagship launch series was televised on Islam Channel and Huda TV.


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We deliver and support local circles and projects in dozens of local mosques and youth clubs in London and the UK, from weekly circles and football tournaments, to charity work and other community projects. We provide local youth groups and leaders with resources and training to support and enhance their efforts in teaching Islam to the youth and in tackling pertinent issues such as gang culture, drug abuse, and knife crime. Our network of local communities engages dozens of local community leaders and affects 100s of young lives.


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We believe education is a key to success and take pride in supporting our next generation of young Muslim youth to excel in their studies and careers. We provide UCAS support for students applying to universities and an annual careers fair that attracts 100s of budding young Muslims. These initiatives are supported by dozens of russel-group graduates and high-calibre professionals.


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...such as overnight stays at the mosque with a jampacked and youthful programme filled with iman and brotherhood; inter-community football tournaments; public events from seminars on student finance to crash courses on Islamic Law and Theology; and much, much more. Look out for our website launch in the near future to find out more, or get in touch.


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