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The Sunday Circle – Chillsesh (2)
March 21, 2021 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

For boys aged 11-16
Find more information by clicking on the image.
For boys aged 11-16
Find more information by clicking on the image.
What is the challenge?
The challenge is to enlist as many people by the end of Ramadan 2023 to commit to supporting our work with just £1 a week. The challenger with the most contributions to his or her name wins.
Is there a reward?
The main reward is with Allah, of course, but to provide some added incentive we will be awarding the winner with an iPad. Every person who gets 3 or more JOP Subscribers will also have the chance to win a gift card.
How will you know who and how many people I’ve enlisted?
Once you join the challenge you’ll be given a reference code. Make sure everyone you enlist uses your reference code when they sign up.
Your personal details
Your payment details will be securely processed by Stripe. A record of your contact information and your contribution will be stored securely by MYN. We may use your contact details or selectively share them with our projects in order to keep you updated on how your contributions are being utilised and to keep you informed about how best you can continue to support us (you are welcome to opt out at any time). We will not otherwise share any of your data with other parties without your express consent.
Cancellations & refunds
You are welcome to cancel your commitment at any time. You can do so by getting in touch with us and we’ll gladly assist you. However, we are not able to provide refunds on any payments already made, though we may make exceptions in specific cases in our discretion.
Your contributions
All contributions go to the Muslim Youth Network, a not-for-profit organisation that is registered in the UK as a private company limited by guarantee (company no.: 11933297), a common incorporation for community organisations, to be used in its discretion in pursuit of its mission and vision.
Your consent
By using this website and/or by submitting the form on muslimyouthnetwork.com/support, you consent to all of the above as well as any terms included on the form, such as but not limited to the payment amount and the method and frequency of payment.
How do I make a one-off contribution or commit to less than £1 a week?
We prefer small but regular contributions of at least £1 a week rather than larger, one-off contributions. If you’d still rather support us by making a one-off contribution, you can do so here. If you want to commit to less than £1 a week, please get in touch and we’ll let you know how to do so. May Allah reward you!
How can I get in touch?
If you have any queries, want to get involved, or simply want to speak to us, please do not hesitate to get in touch. You can do so by filling out the contact form or by sending us an email. We’ll do our best to respond to you as soon as possible. Our email address is: [email protected]
Where can I learn more about MYN and its work?
You can keep up to date with our projects and campaigns by following us on social media. We are on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. We also hope to launch a more full version of our website soon. Of course, you are always more than welcome to reach out directly should you have any queries!
How does this work?
We’re asking for a regular commitment of just £1 a week to support our work. All you need to do is fill out the form and everything else will be taken care of automatically. The process is completely secure, you don’t have to repeat the process every week, and you can cancel at any time. If you can’t support us by card, direct debit, or PayPal, get in touch and we’ll let you know other ways you can contribute. Our terms of use provide some more information.
How will my contributions be spent?
Our projects and the projects we support have various expenses such as venue hire, facilitator remuneration, food, and so on. These costs are heavily subsidised for our beneficiaries. The more funding we have, the greater the quality and reach of our work, and the greater its impact. We are a not-for-profit organisation and all our work is voluntary, but we also need some administrative staff to support our work in order to take it to the next level.
Where can I learn more about MYN and its work?
We’ve spent the last few years working at a grassroots level and are preparing to engage more with the public in the near future. We hope to launch a more full website soon. For now, please get in touch if you’d like more information or would like to get involved. We’re happy to talk!
Your personal details
Your payment details will be securely processed by Stripe for credit or debit card payments, by PayPal if you contribute using their service, or by GoCardless if you opt to contribute by direct debit. A record of your contact information and your contribution will be stored securely by MYN. We may use your contact details or selectively share them with our projects in order to keep you updated on how your contributions are being utilised and to keep you informed about how best you can continue to support us (you are welcome to opt out at any time). We will not otherwise share any of your data with other parties without your express consent.
Cancellations & refunds
You are welcome to cancel your commitment at any time. You can do so by getting in touch with us and we’ll gladly assist you. However, we are not able to provide refunds on any payments already made, though we may make exceptions in specific cases in our discretion.
Your contributions
All contributions go to the Muslim Youth Network, a not-for-profit organisation that is registered in the UK as a private company limited by guarantee (company no.: 11933297), a common incorporation for community organisations, to be used in its discretion in pursuit of its mission and vision.
Your consent
By using this website and/or by submitting the form on muslimyouthnetwork.com/support, you consent to all of the above as well as any terms included on the form, such as but not limited to the payment amount and the method and frequency of payment.
An MYN Associate Member & Volunteer Exclusive
Assalamu alaikum! Ahead of our first public campaign, we thought it a great idea to arrange embroidered fleeces for all MYN Associate Members & volunteers. The chosen fleece is a high quality Regatta lightweight jacket. The MYN logo will be embroidered on the top left of the chest area, and a smaller rendition on the back right hand shoulder. There will be an additional design embroidered on the back (still in process – don’t worry, it’ll be classy!). Each fleece costs £25. Please complete this form to secure your fleece. We are placing the order on Monday so the deadline is Sunday night!
What’s my size?
For reference, Br Miqdad Anam is a size S and Br Tahmid Saleh is a size L. You can also see Regatta’s size guide here (under Jackets, Fleeces, Gilets, Shirts & T-Shirts).
What is meant by ‘vision’?
An organization’s vision describes what it seeks to achieve.
What is MYN’s vision?
MYN’s vision can be summarized by our values, the 3 R’s (Revelation, Reality, Resolve), each of which we explain on this page. It is also summarized by our vision statement: “We envision a community of Muslim youth who are inspired by revelation, grounded in reality, and who have the resolve to act and make a difference.”
What is meant by ‘mission’?
An organization’s mission describes how the organization goes about realizing its vision. It describes the organization’s model and generally what it does.
What is MYN’s mission?
MYN’s mission can be summarized by the acronym SEED (Share, Engage, Experience, Develop) — each of which we explain on this page —, or by our mission statement: “We seek our vision by sharing our values, engaging society, providing faith-inspired experiences, and developing a generation of principled leaders.”