GCSEs 2020 Results Day Guide

Results day is a pivotal day for many school students around the UK, and is without doubt quite a stressful experience. However, the entire ordeal can be made a lot easier by following some simple advice.

Reliance in Allah: We must put our trust in Allah (swt) who has destined everything in favour of his servants regardless if you get the grades you wanted or not. It is this trust in Allah (swt) that will help us in our most difficult times. Remember that all matters are in the hands of Allah (swt).

Stay Positive! Remember that not getting the grades you wanted is not the be-all & end-all, rather it is Allah (swt) guiding you to that which is better. After every hardship comes ease as promised by our Creator. If you don’t get the grades you wanted, this does not mean it’s the end of the world. Keep pushing and hold your head up high. At the end of every tunnel there is light so always keep smiling.

Make Lots of Dua: As Muslims, we have the greatest way to connect & communicate with Allah (swt), Dua. Constantly remember Allah (swt) and call out to Him and you’ll find success in every endeavour you take. If you get the grades you wanted raise your hands in gratitude to Allah (swt) and show your appreciation and if you did not get your desired grades, then know that Allah (swt) is the best of  planners.

Take the Necessary Means: Ensure you get an early night rest. Have your phone/ laptop charged and a pen and paper ready at hand. Make sure you know how and when your results will be released along with knowing how and when your desired sixth form/ colleges open to accept students. Have someone with you to support and assist you, ideally someone who’s been through the process already.

Achieved Good Results? If you meet your desired grades, congratulations! Don’t forget to thank Allah and quickly inform the people who care about you, they’re probably as anxious to know your results as you were! Remember to be sensitive to those around you; not everyone will have done as well.

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