
Muslim Youth Network presents an introduction to the foundational rules of the Arabic language. The objective is for students to be familiar with how the language works and build a love and appreciation for nahw (grammar). There will be a lot of practice and emphasis on Qur'anic Arabic to allow a direct practical application. Brothers […]


Fasting of the Furious

Fasting of the Furious; Eyes, Tongue & Heart: Have we really fasted if all we do is abstain from food? Is that all Allah wants from us or is there more to it? Join us with Sheikh Shaqur Rahman as we delve into the inner dimensions of fasting. For the live event please see our […]

The Sunday Circle – Chronicles of the Qur’an – Musa and Khidr


Join our first episode of the Chronicles from the Qur'an series this Ramadan where we journey through the story of Musa AS and Khidr, where Allah mentions a beautiful story and lesson for us to learn from. For boys aged 11-16 Find more information by clicking on the image.

How Do I become from Ahlul Qur’ān?


What are the qualities of Ahlul Qur’an?  This Ramadan join Sheikh Alomgir Ali to find out how can we start to become from Ahlul Qur'an? Why it so important ? How do I connect with the Book of Allaah? For the live event please see our YouTube Channel: Muslim Youth Network

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