Press Release

Press Release

The Muslim Youth Network (MYN) is deeply disturbed by the recent revelations detailing the level of Islamophobia experienced by Muslim students in the London Academy of Excellence (LAE).

The testimonies of current and ex-students describe a sustained level of Islamophobic policies and treatment towards Muslim students that has become entrenched within the culture of the school and its staff.

From punishing Muslims for praying in a classroom – and later banning prayer on premises outright – to challenging girls for wearing the hijab, we are appalled by LAE’s prolonged derisive treatment of its Muslim students, and disgusted by its draconian level of securitisation that continues to be implemented.

The institutionalised Islamophobia at LAE is sadly the latest example of these experiences, which are unfortunately far too common for young Muslims in the UK. It is an abuse of power that the students are penalised for observing the most basic tenets of their faith.

MYN demands LAE, in close cooperation with the relevant educational bodies, to implement the demands made by Alumni and swiftly remedy this issue.


  • A reversal of the decision made by the LAE governing body in 2015 regarding the removal of the onsite prayer facilities that allowed communal prayers;
  • Appropriate remedies to policies and processes within the Sixth Form;
    Action to be taken against staff found in the investigation to have been Islamophobic and subsequently failing in their duty of care towards LAE pupils;
  • A full and unreserved apology to LAE pupils and alumni, concerned individuals and the wider Muslim community;
  • A commitment to address institutional Islamophobia and to build an inclusive environment for Muslim students at LAE, in line with the Equalities Act 2010.

Muslim Youth Network

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