Office Booking

Office Terms & Conditions:

Who is allowed to use the office? 

  • All office users must be AMs or be accompanied by an AM for duration of stay

Booking the office 

  • Please fill in the form below to book the MYN office (please allow up to 24hrs for a response or message Br Talha 07738293178 for faster response)
  • Booking does not guarantee approval, this must be given by the admin hence the wait time above
  • The MYN admin has the right to amend or decline any bookings
  • Any equipment/requests please mention below although we cannot guarantee.
  • For night programmes please select all the needed time slots.

Purpose of the office: 

  • The office can be used for Organisation purposes e.g. Meetings, Workspace & Halqah 
  • The office can also be used for Individual work purposes e.g. studying/researching (personal or MYN related)

Storage rules: 

  • No Equipment/material can be left in the office unless given explicit permission by Admin (Talha) 
  • Any equipment that is moved away from the office must be via permission and use of Shared Online MYN Inventory Sheet ( – fill in the brown boxes only) 
  • Books can be borrowed and returned without permission but be mindful to not lose them 

Office etiquette: 

  1. Office must be booked for use via
  2. Office must be returned to a usable state by end of booking with all equipment and stationary to their designated areas
  3. Office cannot be used as storage space without explicit permission (consideration will be given to ongoing/major events such as The Youth Scheme/summer camp)
  4. Users should take initiative to clean/tidy the office even if they did not create any mess
  5. Food and drink is permitted, provided it is cleared up and is disposed off in the kitchen bin
  6. Office users must log their duration on this is where you can report incidents or see who used the office before you 
  7. Any official documents/letters please place on main desk 
  8. Office users should not answer the doorbell unless you are aware someone is coming 
  9. MCA Suite requires a separate booking form (message Talha)
  10. Please do not be offended if asked to leave e.g. EWC meeting or other meetings which can overrule current meetings
Submit Office Booking
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